Refer into the service
GPs can refer into our appointment clinics for:
- persistent or recurrent genital symptoms such as herpes, non-specific urethritis (NSU), vaginal discharge, and prostatitis
- complex STIs such as syphilis
- STIs in pregnancy
- genital dermatoses
- routine IUD, IUS or implant insertions
- ultrasound scans for missing IUD or IUS threads, suspected device displacements or expulsions
- ultrasound guided IUD or IUS insertions or removals
- ultrasound scans for impalpable or deep implants and ultrasound guided implant removal
- investigation and management of bleeding problems or pelvic pain in contraceptive users
- contraceptive advice for patients with complex medical comorbidities or social vulnerabilities.
Please complete the referral form below and note the results of any investigations already done. Ensure you include the patient’s mobile number on the referral form.
Bromley Sexual Health Service – referral form for GPs (Word doc)
Email a completed referral form to: kch-tr.
HIV Services in Bromley
For advice about any aspect of HIV treatment care and support or to discuss a new HIV diagnosis please contact our Service Lead for Specialist Community HIV Services:
Sarah Barber
Email: sarah.
Clinical Lead Nurse, Contraception
Tel: 01689 866622
Email: kch-tr.
Address: Sexual Health Office, Beckenham Beacon,
379-397 Croydon Road, Beckenham, BR3 3QL
Useful links
Metro – a charity providing services across London and the South East for anyone experiencing issues around sexuality, gender, equality, diversity or identity
ChangeGrowLive – charity providing support to adults, children, young people and families in areas such as substance use
Bromley Talking Together – talking therapy service for people aged 18 years and over, who are anxious, stressed, have low mood or suffer from depression
Bromley Y – provides wellbeing support for young people in Bromley. Young people can self refer or you can make a referral on their behalf.
Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham Mind – mental health charity providing support for young people